Stolen from kayla.. who stole from rosa x]
Mark which things you have done, then calculate your score by counting the number of questions you marked. This test is out of 100 questions which means that the number you get as your score is also your percentage. Tag some of your friends, and re-post as "I do stupid things __% of the time."
1. [ ] Forgot to put the lid on the blender, turned it on, and had everything fly out
2. [ ] Gotten your head stuck between the stair rails
3. [x] Broken a chair by leaning back in it (at least five times)
4. [x] Had gum fall out of your mouth while you were talking
5. [x] Choked on your own spit while you were talking
6. [x] Had people tell you that you are blonde when you're not, or had people tell you that your blonde highlights are going to your head
7. [x] Been caught staring at your crush by your crush
8. [x] Have looked for something for at least 5 min then realized it was in your hand ...
9. [x] Tried to push open a door that said pull
10. [x] Tried to pull open a door that said push
Running total: 8
11. [ ] Have actually believed someone when they said that they knew how to make a love-potion
12. [x] Have hit yourself in the process of trying to hit something else
13. [x] Have tripped and fallen UP the stairs
14. [ ] Have actually exploded marshmallows in the microwave
15. [x] Have gotten gum stuck in your hair
16. [x] Had gum fall out of your mouth while trying to blow a bubble
17. [ ]Have had the juice from a mini tomato squirt out and hit somebody else when you bit into it
18. [x] Have had your drink come out your nose because you were laughing so hard
19. [x] Have called one of your good friends by the wrong name
20. [x] Have skinned your toe because you were playing soccer or kickball with flip flops on or you were barefoot
Running total: 15
21. [x] Have put a sticker on your forehead, forgot it was there, and went out in public with it on
22. [ ] Have fallen out of a moving vehicle
23. [x] Have run into a closed door
24. [ ] __________
25. [ ] Searched for your cell phone while you were talking on it
26. [x] It has taken you longer than 5 min to get a joke...
27. [ ] Have gotten your hair stuck in a blow dryer
28. [ ] Have gotten your hair stuck in a fan
29. [x] Tripped on a crack in the sidewalk
30. [x] Said o'clock after saying how many min after the hour, example: 5:30 o'clock, or 6:15 o'clock
Running total: 20
31. [x] After someone told you that there was gum on the ground, you stepped in it
32. [ ] Put on a white shirt even though you already knew it was raining outside
33. [x] Have ever walked up to a stranger because you thought they were someone else
34. [ ] Ever been kicked out of a grocery store/off their property
35. [ ] Touched the stove, the curling iron, a hot pan, etc when its on, even though you knew it was hot
36. [x] Taken off your clothes to change into something else then accidentally put the old clothes back on
37. [x] Wondered why something wasn't working then realized it wasn't plugged in
38. [x] Put the cereal in the fridge, or put the milk in the cupboard
39. [x] Walked into a pole (run?)
40. [x] Wore two different earrings or shoes by accident/stolen someones shoes by accident
Running total: 27
41. [x] Put your shirt on backwards/inside-out without realizing it then left your house
42. [x] Tried to take a picture of someone's eye with the flash on..
43. [x] Gotten a ring stuck on your finger because you put it on even though you knew it was too small..
44. [ ] Walked out of the bathroom (stall) with toilet paper stuck to your shoe without realizing it
45. [x] Went to go do something/go get something, then when you got there, you forgot what it is was that you were going to do
46. [x] Picked up someone else's drink and drank out of it by accident when your drink was right next to it
47. [x] Fallen out of your chair while trying to pick something up
48. [x] Have poked yourself in the eye
49. [x] Have gotten in the shower with your socks still on
50. [ ] Melted your hairbrush while blow drying your hair
Running total: 35
51. [x] Have done enough stupid things to take this test
52. [x] Have accidentally stabbed yourself with a pencil
53. [x] Have sung the wrong verse to a song without realizing it
54. [x] Have given an odd answer to a question because you didn't hear the question in the first place and didn't feel like asking what it was..
55. [x] Told someone you were the wrong age because you seriously forgot how old you were
56. [x] Looked into an overhead purposefully while it was on
57. [x] Got up early and got ready for school/work, then realized that you didn't have school/work that day.
58. [x] Forgot your own phone number
59. [x] Have tripped on a cord after someone told you to watch out for it
60. [x] Have ever laughed at a joke that no one else thought was funny
Running total: 45
61. [x] Done the Macarena to the electric slide or vice versa
62. [x] Said funner then had someone make fun of you for it
63. [x] Have repeated yourself at least twice in the same sentence
64. [x] Brought up an inside joke with the wrong person
65. [x] Didn't do the backside of an assignment because you thought that there wasn't one because you had already looked and forgot that there was another side
66. [x] Did more work than you had to on an assignment because you didn't read the directions
67. [x] Corrected someone's grammar/pronunciation then figured out that you were the one that was wrong...
68. [x] Put something in a special place so that you would remember where it was, then forgot where you put it
69. [x] Put ice in your drink after the glass was full of liquid and had it splash out
70. [x] Told a lie then forgot what it was that you had said and got caught
Running total: 55
71. [x] When wearing goggles, you pulled them away from your face and let go so that they would come back and snap you in the face
72. [x] Forgot to make sure that the lamp was off before you replaced the light bulb
73. [x] Ran into a door jam
74. [x] Told someone that you hardly ever do stupid things, then immediately did/said something stupid
75. [x] Told someone to watch out for something, then you were the one that ran into it
76. [ ] Have licked playground sand
77. [ ] Have purposely and repeatedly flicked yourself with a rubber band
78. [x] Gotten so hyper that someone actually thought you were drunk/high when you weren't
79. [x] Have been so hyper you actually scared people
80. [ ] Put duct tape on your body then pulled it off to see if it would hurt
Running total: 62
81. [x] Put duct tape on your hair/someone else's hair then pulled it off
82. [x] Put a clothes pin/hair clip on your lip, figured out that it hurt, then did it again
83. [ ] Sat and wondered why men's dress shirts have a loop on the back
84. [x] Made up a code name for someone so that you could talk about them to someone else and no one else would know who you were talking about
85. [x] Have gotten a hairbrush stuck in your hair
86. [x] Used the straw to blow the straw wrapper at someone
87. [x] Laughed out loud in the middle of class over something you just thought up in your head
88. [ ] When at a restaurant, you used your spoon to fling stuff at people
89. [ ] Have flung forks/spoons at people in a restaurant
90. [ ] Tripped and made the waiter drop the food.
Running total: 68
91. [x] As you are writing, you move your head back and forth with your pen/pencil
92. [x] Have drawn finger puppets on your fingers then named them
93. [ ] Have wrapped someone in a roll of toilet paper
94. [ ] Have used somebody else's toothbrush without even realizing it wasn't yours
95. [x] Have started telling a story and forget what you were talking about or what happened in the story
96. [x] Read a whole book but during the whole book you weren’t even paying attention
97. [x] You have spelled your own name wrong before
98. [x] When lying in bed you look for pictures in the texture of the ceiling
99. [x] Have used your calculator as a form of communication in a class
100. [x] Have popped a balloon in your mouth
Im smarter than kayla ;D
Now I feel REALLY stupid rofl.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Yesterday we went to Luna Park.. Jaime and Stefan felt sick after going on the rotor.. Kayla finally went on the ranger.. x]
Kayla Vishal Jayjay and johnoson went on the ferris wheel and grafited it.. the people were like fully looking for them so they decided to head towards the dogems x] im going to laugh if they end up getting ccaught out.. or like 10 years later we go there same carrige and i see it nd yea x]
but yea
Today i went home threw the day.. felt really sick.. mum recons its cause i overdid it yesterday.. but yea.. mucked up in the rain.. came in and i realised i shouldnt have done it.. straightening my hair for kayla tomrrow.. its my mums birthday too =]
and yea x] thats all for now.. x]
Kayla Vishal Jayjay and johnoson went on the ferris wheel and grafited it.. the people were like fully looking for them so they decided to head towards the dogems x] im going to laugh if they end up getting ccaught out.. or like 10 years later we go there same carrige and i see it nd yea x]
but yea
Today i went home threw the day.. felt really sick.. mum recons its cause i overdid it yesterday.. but yea.. mucked up in the rain.. came in and i realised i shouldnt have done it.. straightening my hair for kayla tomrrow.. its my mums birthday too =]
and yea x] thats all for now.. x]
Sunday, March 29, 2009
talked to lena about all saints..
she pretty much said it was okay..
i know mels going there like next year..
somedays i want to move..
others i dont..
but yea x]
Dad comes home today..
but yea x]
i need motion sickness medicine.. gotta ask mum to get some..
and i need lke stuff x] but yea..
didnt do much today x]
but yea
ill probobly write more later?
talked to lena about all saints..
she pretty much said it was okay..
i know mels going there like next year..
somedays i want to move..
others i dont..
but yea x]
Dad comes home today..
but yea x]
i need motion sickness medicine.. gotta ask mum to get some..
and i need lke stuff x] but yea..
didnt do much today x]
but yea
ill probobly write more later?
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Earth hour..
Woot i got to burn a candel
my mum didnt trust me with it ];.. neither did kayla apparently :o shes worse than me with fire x]
but yea
cleaned my room for most of the day.. yay me.
umm yea..
i wanna go to slovakia again.. too see it again.. not jst from like movies.. but like real life.. that would be awsome..
I read manga for the first time yesterday
its pretty intresting
alot beter than i thought it would bee.. well iwas expecting like.. anime but like cartoon formm.. idk how that owuld work but ye
its more like a comic book.. idk how to describe it but yea x]
all thats happened today.. x]
my mum didnt trust me with it ];.. neither did kayla apparently :o shes worse than me with fire x]
but yea
cleaned my room for most of the day.. yay me.
umm yea..
i wanna go to slovakia again.. too see it again.. not jst from like movies.. but like real life.. that would be awsome..
I read manga for the first time yesterday
its pretty intresting
alot beter than i thought it would bee.. well iwas expecting like.. anime but like cartoon formm.. idk how that owuld work but ye
its more like a comic book.. idk how to describe it but yea x]
all thats happened today.. x]
Friday, March 27, 2009
lmao i forgot.. while me and jaime were in the toilets today.. there was like a massive spider under the sink.. and i was about to wash my hands.. and like then i saw it.. and i was like.. Jaime spider ! and she was like where? she was looking at the floor and she moved closer too it.. and i told her shes next to it.. she almost screamed out HOLY FUCK but yea she jst said it loudly x] nad me and her just started laughing our heads off x]
funny times x]
and im hyper right now (Y)
funny times x]
and im hyper right now (Y)
Dads gone back up to zigzag again.. Which means im stuck at home tomorrow x.x i hate it when stuff like that happens.. and then the weekends that i can go out everybodys busy.. it drives me insaine.. x.x
but yea x]
exciting weekend..
cleaning room..
and cleaning..
yay me x.x
but yea x]
thats al thats really going on right now?
but yea x]
exciting weekend..
cleaning room..
and cleaning..
yay me x.x
but yea x]
thats al thats really going on right now?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Ever feel..
Ever feel like your on the totally wrong page..
thats what its felt lke all day today..
no idea why..
but yea.
thats what its felt lke all day today..
no idea why..
but yea.
Sometimes i wonder why i bother sometimes.. i feel like im treated like crap but yet im confided in when they need things.. it just drives me insaine.. it just feels like.. say were sharing chocolate.. at first well break it in half.. even even.. now.. it feels like.. they have one block i have one block i give all of mine and then they take all of it.. its just.. anot even thing?
but yea thats my major rant for todaay x]
its kinda thundering outside.. not so much raining just like a little bit of lightening and every so often a rumble of thunder.. i hope we have a blackout for tomrrow for school.. that would be the best.. and if it was dark so we couldnt really see.. ohh man i hope that happens x] i dont think in all my years of high school theres been a thunderstorm which caused a blackout.. one can only dream?
school today.. it got to me.. it just got to me.. and i cant deal with it so i come here and pile out all my anger.. its normally my mum that gets it but hey x]
we took bruce for a walk yesterday after my post.. on a pink lead .. with my dad walking him ;] they looked stylish.. x] there were some old people at the park we walked too.. they were looking at my dad and bruce like.. that not right.. and then they saw me.. i guess they guessed i picked it out.. x] which i did =] it was the longest one there too so dad was happy x]
anyway after the park we decided to walk up a lane way and then walk that block and then go home.. well we got about half way and then it started lightening and thundering.. so im like to dad.. i think we should go home.. get bruce out of the rain (wed just put front line on him). so we were hurrying the rest of the block and dad forgot to look to see if these guard dogs were around.. (on another walk they bit hi nose..) and we walked right past.. bruces fur rose.. the dogs were trying to get at him.. they were ready to go.. and as dad pulled bruce away and we walked.. bruce started limping. i asked dad if the dogs did that.. he said possibly... we got home and like i got dad to check his paw.. and what had happened was that when the people had cliped him earlier that day (thats why i went home early to get bruce washed) they had cliped his nail too short.. so it was tender.. and then with the jumping up and down at the dogs bruces paw turnd to saw.. so now when he walks he limps.. i just hope its not much longer.. hes fairly slow now x]
but yea x]
that was my major excitment of yesterday..
today.. mums at work.. dads at teachers credit union and im home alone.. i just hope i have a powerout.. just for the fun of it x]
and thne it lasts till tomorrow 3oclock ;D
and then it all works >;]
unless school gets canceld even tohugh i doubt it would.. and it doesnt work tiill like 10.. when its like too late to call all the parents and stuff..
next week.. next week..
monday- excurison
tuesday- assignment due
wednesday- my mums birthday
thursday- excursion
friday- nothing.. yet. x]
but yeathats it for now.. have fun (Y)
feel much better after my rant too x]
but yea thats my major rant for todaay x]
its kinda thundering outside.. not so much raining just like a little bit of lightening and every so often a rumble of thunder.. i hope we have a blackout for tomrrow for school.. that would be the best.. and if it was dark so we couldnt really see.. ohh man i hope that happens x] i dont think in all my years of high school theres been a thunderstorm which caused a blackout.. one can only dream?
school today.. it got to me.. it just got to me.. and i cant deal with it so i come here and pile out all my anger.. its normally my mum that gets it but hey x]
we took bruce for a walk yesterday after my post.. on a pink lead .. with my dad walking him ;] they looked stylish.. x] there were some old people at the park we walked too.. they were looking at my dad and bruce like.. that not right.. and then they saw me.. i guess they guessed i picked it out.. x] which i did =] it was the longest one there too so dad was happy x]
anyway after the park we decided to walk up a lane way and then walk that block and then go home.. well we got about half way and then it started lightening and thundering.. so im like to dad.. i think we should go home.. get bruce out of the rain (wed just put front line on him). so we were hurrying the rest of the block and dad forgot to look to see if these guard dogs were around.. (on another walk they bit hi nose..) and we walked right past.. bruces fur rose.. the dogs were trying to get at him.. they were ready to go.. and as dad pulled bruce away and we walked.. bruce started limping. i asked dad if the dogs did that.. he said possibly... we got home and like i got dad to check his paw.. and what had happened was that when the people had cliped him earlier that day (thats why i went home early to get bruce washed) they had cliped his nail too short.. so it was tender.. and then with the jumping up and down at the dogs bruces paw turnd to saw.. so now when he walks he limps.. i just hope its not much longer.. hes fairly slow now x]
but yea x]
that was my major excitment of yesterday..
today.. mums at work.. dads at teachers credit union and im home alone.. i just hope i have a powerout.. just for the fun of it x]
and thne it lasts till tomorrow 3oclock ;D
and then it all works >;]
unless school gets canceld even tohugh i doubt it would.. and it doesnt work tiill like 10.. when its like too late to call all the parents and stuff..
next week.. next week..
monday- excurison
tuesday- assignment due
wednesday- my mums birthday
thursday- excursion
friday- nothing.. yet. x]
but yeathats it for now.. have fun (Y)
feel much better after my rant too x]
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Today today today..
had to do highjump in pe. yay x.x kayla got to sit out cause shes sick x] lucky child..
got the dog washed today.. even bought him a pink lead x] it was the longest one they had so he was stuck with that so yea x]
i wonder how dads going to go walking the dog down the street in a pink lead? ohh well hell survive
hmm.. nothing really happened today.. (Y)
had to do highjump in pe. yay x.x kayla got to sit out cause shes sick x] lucky child..
got the dog washed today.. even bought him a pink lead x] it was the longest one they had so he was stuck with that so yea x]
i wonder how dads going to go walking the dog down the street in a pink lead? ohh well hell survive
hmm.. nothing really happened today.. (Y)
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Nans.. cant live with them.. cant live without them..
I went to my uncle joes birthday yesterday. (45 what an oldie x]). Got eaten alive by mozzies.. Got lectured by my nan about career choices. She says that childcare and teaching is childish and that i should go into medicine.. a doctor.. or become a loyer.. shes talking 12 hour days.. im like.. i want my weekends and holidays you know.. so yea..
got closer to emma and alex.. each time i go over there i seem to get closer to one or another.. christmas eve - Catlyn
Alexs birthday - James and Aadin
Uncle Joes birthday - Emma and alex..
heres my dads familys order watever you wanna call it x]
alrite you got my nan who had my dad and my uncle with my grandad who died before i was born..
my dad had malcolm and stefan with a physco
my dad met my mum and they had me.
Uncle joe met Susie and had emma and alex.
Uncle joe split from susie and met linda
Linda had 3 kids in a previous marrige.
Aadian (15) Catlyn (13 i think o.o) James (9 i think o.o)
So like my uncles marrying linda on the 31st may.. cant wait x]
Linda acepts me.. whereas susie was a total bitch to me.. and i think she turned emma and alex onto me too.. but now.. like since last night.. weve all grown up.. me emma and alex at least. and we like connected on a whole new level.. so that was good..
today we had school.. obviously..
we had to make paperplanes for science.. of corse mine didnt fly x].
apparently miss hyland saw my mum at work.. gotta tell her to talk to my mum for discounts (Y) well yea you get me x]
apparently we have a freaky physco teacher tomorrow like for the rest of the year for food.. jaime and laura crack me up with theyre impersonations.. x]
i should really start my english assingment.. i just .. dont know how to connect the poem to journeys.. like i get it i just dont know how to write it x] .
For the movie im thinking abut doing harry potter.. you know he travels to hogwarts.. meets new friends and stuf..
or no reservation where the kids mother dies and the chef has to look after her and bond with her and stuff.. so yea im kinda screwed for this assignment so wish me luck x]
got closer to emma and alex.. each time i go over there i seem to get closer to one or another.. christmas eve - Catlyn
Alexs birthday - James and Aadin
Uncle Joes birthday - Emma and alex..
heres my dads familys order watever you wanna call it x]
alrite you got my nan who had my dad and my uncle with my grandad who died before i was born..
my dad had malcolm and stefan with a physco
my dad met my mum and they had me.
Uncle joe met Susie and had emma and alex.
Uncle joe split from susie and met linda
Linda had 3 kids in a previous marrige.
Aadian (15) Catlyn (13 i think o.o) James (9 i think o.o)
So like my uncles marrying linda on the 31st may.. cant wait x]
Linda acepts me.. whereas susie was a total bitch to me.. and i think she turned emma and alex onto me too.. but now.. like since last night.. weve all grown up.. me emma and alex at least. and we like connected on a whole new level.. so that was good..
today we had school.. obviously..
we had to make paperplanes for science.. of corse mine didnt fly x].
apparently miss hyland saw my mum at work.. gotta tell her to talk to my mum for discounts (Y) well yea you get me x]
apparently we have a freaky physco teacher tomorrow like for the rest of the year for food.. jaime and laura crack me up with theyre impersonations.. x]
i should really start my english assingment.. i just .. dont know how to connect the poem to journeys.. like i get it i just dont know how to write it x] .
For the movie im thinking abut doing harry potter.. you know he travels to hogwarts.. meets new friends and stuf..
or no reservation where the kids mother dies and the chef has to look after her and bond with her and stuff.. so yea im kinda screwed for this assignment so wish me luck x]
Sunday, March 22, 2009
lol i tried doing that date thing kayla told me too do.. i couldnt find anything.. so yea x]
dad gets back from zigzag soon.. sometime tongith at least.. had to clean up for him.. x]
i had a dream last night.. Roxie and jv were walking threw my backyard confessing theyre love for one another in poems.. and then ilijana randomly pops up and is like.. sarah you know what D means right.. and i was like o.o.. and then yea i woke up x]
that really confused me.. i dont get the whole you know what D means .. but then again.. ilijana can be really smart and confusing at times so yea..
i started playing my ds again today after like months.. i even found a peice i was missing for one game.. and my WALLET ;D.. i had like $12 bucks in there.. so yea x] i think it was from lauras birthday when me and kayla went shopping .. i remmeber i got her a stuffed tiger.. it was cute =]
my mum has alot of trophies on the wall cabnet o.o
you know those novlty things you get from the eastershow like statues and stuff? my mum has a red m'n'm despenser up there.. its like got a softball in one hand that you pull down.. and then its got a brown softball mit on the otheer where the m'n'ms are caught x]
i cant believe i still remmeber that.. we havent used it for years but yea x]
im swapping to housesport for sport.. i dont like iceskating.. im like sick of it.. ill have to tell siddons tomorrow but yea..
i wonder if im going to be taken out of peer tutoring.. ive been having a few days off because of dad being gone nd stuff..
ohh well if i do at least ill be in rollcall with steph.. id save her from eric lmao x]
i feel sorry for her being stuck with him x]
but yea..x]
im not use to having so much space on the desk.. normally its piled with like school junk and mums work stuff and stff.. but ive like fully cleared it.. and its just like.. space x]
ohh well thats all youll get from me for now.. ill write more tomrrow probobly (Y)
dad gets back from zigzag soon.. sometime tongith at least.. had to clean up for him.. x]
i had a dream last night.. Roxie and jv were walking threw my backyard confessing theyre love for one another in poems.. and then ilijana randomly pops up and is like.. sarah you know what D means right.. and i was like o.o.. and then yea i woke up x]
that really confused me.. i dont get the whole you know what D means .. but then again.. ilijana can be really smart and confusing at times so yea..
i started playing my ds again today after like months.. i even found a peice i was missing for one game.. and my WALLET ;D.. i had like $12 bucks in there.. so yea x] i think it was from lauras birthday when me and kayla went shopping .. i remmeber i got her a stuffed tiger.. it was cute =]
my mum has alot of trophies on the wall cabnet o.o
you know those novlty things you get from the eastershow like statues and stuff? my mum has a red m'n'm despenser up there.. its like got a softball in one hand that you pull down.. and then its got a brown softball mit on the otheer where the m'n'ms are caught x]
i cant believe i still remmeber that.. we havent used it for years but yea x]
im swapping to housesport for sport.. i dont like iceskating.. im like sick of it.. ill have to tell siddons tomorrow but yea..
i wonder if im going to be taken out of peer tutoring.. ive been having a few days off because of dad being gone nd stuff..
ohh well if i do at least ill be in rollcall with steph.. id save her from eric lmao x]
i feel sorry for her being stuck with him x]
but yea..x]
im not use to having so much space on the desk.. normally its piled with like school junk and mums work stuff and stff.. but ive like fully cleared it.. and its just like.. space x]
ohh well thats all youll get from me for now.. ill write more tomrrow probobly (Y)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
another day in thelife of me..
Thanks kayla for posting the poem.. i needed that cause yea x]
but anyways
today.. i cleaned.. and yea x] i turned my matress around.. fun times.. x] it pretty much fell off the bed and i had to pick it up and stuff... i never new matresses were that heavy o.o.. you learn something new everyday i guess? x]
my assignment on condoms.. ive gotta hand in on monday.. cause i wasnt there the other days.. but yea (Y)
Roxies watching dora the explorer.. reminds me of last year.. like everyone was obessed with it.. x]
i cleaned up the desk and im like SPACE o.o but yea x]
for the lounge rom we need one of those keyboards with the light behind the letters.. you can barely see the keyboard here.. crap lighting x.x
my sims 2 bon voyage wont install.. the disk is.. a tiny bit scratched? wasnt my fault =] even though most of my games disks are scratched? ><
i found my camera !! after the rain stopped x.x
i went dancing in it..
ive been doing that recently.. every time it rains.. its been different dances too.. today it was the hokey pokey x]
people say im lucky to be an only child.. well pretty much an only child.. but.. i think it just makes me seem crazy.. i tend to invent things that people classify as weird x] but hey... thats me?
when im older.. i either want to go to uni here and study like teaching for primary school.. or go to norland college.. but i want to do both.. i just dont know which order yet..
the only thing is the uniform there x] its full nanny style lmao x]
but yea x]
i made a deal with kayla.. i go primary she goes high.. i warn her.. and tell her the good brats and stuff.. and i give the kids a heads up (Y) its going to work well x]
you know.. people all around me seem to be constantly growing older.. loosing the joy in the simple things.. developing older music tastes.. but for some reason.. i still find the magic in fairytales, bubbles and even the little things like thinking something little is massive and not really caring..
i have a feeling.. im going to be like my cousin debbie.. ill be babysitting my friends kids or taking my kids to kid movies or shows. like disney on ice..
they were the good days..
thats all i have to say.. for now x] so have fun (Y)
but anyways
today.. i cleaned.. and yea x] i turned my matress around.. fun times.. x] it pretty much fell off the bed and i had to pick it up and stuff... i never new matresses were that heavy o.o.. you learn something new everyday i guess? x]
my assignment on condoms.. ive gotta hand in on monday.. cause i wasnt there the other days.. but yea (Y)
Roxies watching dora the explorer.. reminds me of last year.. like everyone was obessed with it.. x]
i cleaned up the desk and im like SPACE o.o but yea x]
for the lounge rom we need one of those keyboards with the light behind the letters.. you can barely see the keyboard here.. crap lighting x.x
my sims 2 bon voyage wont install.. the disk is.. a tiny bit scratched? wasnt my fault =] even though most of my games disks are scratched? ><
i found my camera !! after the rain stopped x.x
i went dancing in it..
ive been doing that recently.. every time it rains.. its been different dances too.. today it was the hokey pokey x]
people say im lucky to be an only child.. well pretty much an only child.. but.. i think it just makes me seem crazy.. i tend to invent things that people classify as weird x] but hey... thats me?
when im older.. i either want to go to uni here and study like teaching for primary school.. or go to norland college.. but i want to do both.. i just dont know which order yet..
the only thing is the uniform there x] its full nanny style lmao x]
but yea x]
i made a deal with kayla.. i go primary she goes high.. i warn her.. and tell her the good brats and stuff.. and i give the kids a heads up (Y) its going to work well x]
you know.. people all around me seem to be constantly growing older.. loosing the joy in the simple things.. developing older music tastes.. but for some reason.. i still find the magic in fairytales, bubbles and even the little things like thinking something little is massive and not really caring..
i have a feeling.. im going to be like my cousin debbie.. ill be babysitting my friends kids or taking my kids to kid movies or shows. like disney on ice..
they were the good days..
thats all i have to say.. for now x] so have fun (Y)
Friday, March 20, 2009
I didnt go to school agian today.. i cant wait for dad to get back.. i have to talk to siddons.. and it has to be face to face.. ive been needing to do it since wednesday afternoon x]..
my uncle gets married in june.. ive got a dress.. but i dont know if ill wear that or the one i wore to dancing..
i hate dresses x.x
its a good website for when your bored x]
mkay so im back x]
well.. today i pretty much slept all day.. it was acutally pretty good x].. but i wouldnt of minded going to school.. but yea.. i watched looking for alibrandi today considering i missed it during english and e have to do a stupid assignment thing.. the nan reminds me of my nan in a way x]
but yea..
mkay ill write more even later.. not much in a writting mood.. i feel like crap.. im just trying to figure out why..
my uncle gets married in june.. ive got a dress.. but i dont know if ill wear that or the one i wore to dancing..
i hate dresses x.x
its a good website for when your bored x]
mkay so im back x]
well.. today i pretty much slept all day.. it was acutally pretty good x].. but i wouldnt of minded going to school.. but yea.. i watched looking for alibrandi today considering i missed it during english and e have to do a stupid assignment thing.. the nan reminds me of my nan in a way x]
but yea..
mkay ill write more even later.. not much in a writting mood.. i feel like crap.. im just trying to figure out why..
Thursday, March 19, 2009
my head..
Mkay.. lets get inside my head..
well today.. i didnt go to school.. because i didnt fall asleep till 5 am cause mum wouldnt relax cause she thinks she "heard" a noise.. so she kept me up with her..
dads away at zigzag as per usual.. sometimes i get sick of him going up there.. but who am i to stop him persuing his dream..
had to go to the hairdressers.. mum pretty much dragged me.. and i had to go because otherwise i wouldnt be able to get my hair cut until after easter holidays.. and by that stage it would be all mangaled and wild and yea..
jaime and laura messaged me telling me i was lucky i didnt go to school.. apparently they had the new food tech teacher.. and as jaime guessed.. hes a freak.. hes the new teacher that scares them x]..
after the hair dressers we caught up with lisa and stuff.. and then i wanted to go home but mum decided to tint her eyebrows.. so i sat in the waiting room.. bored out of my brains listening to watever played on my ipod..
i was looking at the photos i had on there..
so many of us have changed since even just last year.. let alone yr7 and like 04 and stuff..
i have an english assignment too do but i dont want to do it.. ive got to choose one movie realted to journeys and explain how its realated.. aswell as some book and movie.. yea its not ganna be that much fun..
only like kaylas on that i talk to on msn .. mums doing late night shopping and yea..
i was thinking of doing finding nemo for that movie thign but i dont know forsure..
or wall-e
roxie likes wall-e so i could probboly get her to help me with that x]..
im like really bored right now.. so yea im entertainting myself writting this..
SMITHS CHIP ADD x] yea im listening to teh acutal song and it reminded me of yr 8.. me belinda and jaimee would sing the smiths version of it during tech and stuff.. those were funny days x]
this is acutally turning out to be longer than i thought.. ohh well x]
sometimes.. i wish i could fly.. i recon thaat way id be able to escape school when i needed it.. and fly somewhere.. but yea x]
i remember when i was little.. i use to always want to be a singer or an actress.. some type of preformer.. now i think about it.. it would be niice.. but im a whole lot happier in my little word of the unknown..
i want a laptop.. but my dad wont get me one till the end of the year because thats when ill need it.. at least its not that far away.. when i turn 16 im ganna get my license.. dad i think is going to let me use his car.. im hopefull of it anyways.. i just hope i dont crash it if he does let me.. lke malcolm x]
i wouldnt mind singing.. except the fact id distroy a pile of things x]
but yea..
right now i wouldnt mind being on the other side of australia..
ive lost a few friends in my life.. there the ones i wanted to keep close.. like joann.. jennifer.. or bree.. but i guess they arnt lost.. they just need to be found again.. and i plan to do that.. itll get me travelling again too x] canberra and perth.. wouldnt be such a bad trip.. but yea
thats all you need to know from my head.. =]
well today.. i didnt go to school.. because i didnt fall asleep till 5 am cause mum wouldnt relax cause she thinks she "heard" a noise.. so she kept me up with her..
dads away at zigzag as per usual.. sometimes i get sick of him going up there.. but who am i to stop him persuing his dream..
had to go to the hairdressers.. mum pretty much dragged me.. and i had to go because otherwise i wouldnt be able to get my hair cut until after easter holidays.. and by that stage it would be all mangaled and wild and yea..
jaime and laura messaged me telling me i was lucky i didnt go to school.. apparently they had the new food tech teacher.. and as jaime guessed.. hes a freak.. hes the new teacher that scares them x]..
after the hair dressers we caught up with lisa and stuff.. and then i wanted to go home but mum decided to tint her eyebrows.. so i sat in the waiting room.. bored out of my brains listening to watever played on my ipod..
i was looking at the photos i had on there..
so many of us have changed since even just last year.. let alone yr7 and like 04 and stuff..
i have an english assignment too do but i dont want to do it.. ive got to choose one movie realted to journeys and explain how its realated.. aswell as some book and movie.. yea its not ganna be that much fun..
only like kaylas on that i talk to on msn .. mums doing late night shopping and yea..
i was thinking of doing finding nemo for that movie thign but i dont know forsure..
or wall-e
roxie likes wall-e so i could probboly get her to help me with that x]..
im like really bored right now.. so yea im entertainting myself writting this..
SMITHS CHIP ADD x] yea im listening to teh acutal song and it reminded me of yr 8.. me belinda and jaimee would sing the smiths version of it during tech and stuff.. those were funny days x]
this is acutally turning out to be longer than i thought.. ohh well x]
sometimes.. i wish i could fly.. i recon thaat way id be able to escape school when i needed it.. and fly somewhere.. but yea x]
i remember when i was little.. i use to always want to be a singer or an actress.. some type of preformer.. now i think about it.. it would be niice.. but im a whole lot happier in my little word of the unknown..
i want a laptop.. but my dad wont get me one till the end of the year because thats when ill need it.. at least its not that far away.. when i turn 16 im ganna get my license.. dad i think is going to let me use his car.. im hopefull of it anyways.. i just hope i dont crash it if he does let me.. lke malcolm x]
i wouldnt mind singing.. except the fact id distroy a pile of things x]
but yea..
right now i wouldnt mind being on the other side of australia..
ive lost a few friends in my life.. there the ones i wanted to keep close.. like joann.. jennifer.. or bree.. but i guess they arnt lost.. they just need to be found again.. and i plan to do that.. itll get me travelling again too x] canberra and perth.. wouldnt be such a bad trip.. but yea
thats all you need to know from my head.. =]
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Umm yea..
lol pretty much.. kayla made me do this .. it was either i do it or she do it for me x]
so yea
this is my first blogg so im telling you right now.. its not going to be intresting..
schools school?
lmao toot toot chugga chugga big red car x]
yea i invented sarahlish (Y) like every name has a language behind it.. thats my theory anyways x]
last friday we had to go to this science thing.. all of us would of almost prefered school i think.. it was seriously boring..
AND the stupid guy wouldnt even let me listen to my ipod.. i had it in MAX 3 mins.. and he looked at me.. and he waited till i looked at him and then he like motioned for me to take them out.. i dont like that guy.. he had a big head anyways...
but yea x]
ill right more later?
so yea
this is my first blogg so im telling you right now.. its not going to be intresting..
schools school?
lmao toot toot chugga chugga big red car x]
yea i invented sarahlish (Y) like every name has a language behind it.. thats my theory anyways x]
last friday we had to go to this science thing.. all of us would of almost prefered school i think.. it was seriously boring..
AND the stupid guy wouldnt even let me listen to my ipod.. i had it in MAX 3 mins.. and he looked at me.. and he waited till i looked at him and then he like motioned for me to take them out.. i dont like that guy.. he had a big head anyways...
but yea x]
ill right more later?
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