Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Well.. Sunday was fathers day.. and i basically did nothing cause dad wasnt home x]
Monday dad was home.. i got him a tool box for fathers day x] he seemed to like it so that was good x]
Tuesday was Jaime Siddons birthday.. I got her with the help of kayla.. charm bracelt things.. and bodyshop stuff x] Kaylas card with the glitter was the best idea i recon x]

Lunch we had Hylands room.. i brought a cake.. and candles.. by the time Jaime finally got there the candles were like half melted x] Sophia basically told Jaime about it.. not meaning too but hey x] she was like to janel.. Do you want ot come to Ms HYLANDS room? and Janels like yea whatever i needa go to the toilet.. come on jaime.. and then sophia shouts out even later, hey janel, do you want to come to MISS HYLANDS ROOM? and then yea x] So Basically Jaime finally came and the candles were done and such.. and then there were photos.. and a trolley race or two x]

After school i went to the city with dad for an appoitment at a modeling tv commerical thing.. and yea x] Bascally Dad had a photoshoot there and last week he mentioned me so they wanted to see me.. so they saw me and i found out id grown taller ;D and they basically signed me up and took photos and stuff and yea x] so the next.. idk what add yours truly may be the star LOL x] less likely to happen but hey x]

Dad was then like.. where do you want to go.. and i was like.. DARLING HARBOUR! for the Lemon Bar.. and dad was like okay x] so we walked and on the way we saw the David Joans window displays.. and stuff x] We walked.. and then finally got to the shopping center we wre looking for.. and we found out they had a British Lolly Shop so we went in and had a look around.. and i got a cadbury fudge bar.. and then we went looking for the lemon bar.. to find they closed down.. iwas like No! but yea i got over it x] so we went to boost.. to find that had shut so we went to the imax place.. and they had a gelato shop.. and we got stuff there x] i had a like ferreo rocher drink thing.. and dad got a like caramel gelato.. and then we went home x]

and then i had school today.. Sport was.. alrite.. pretty crap x]
History.. sprinklers x] Basically at first Dave and Zolika were getting distracted by a sprinkler.. then Ms.G noticed and so shes like laughing and tells the class ot watch theyre reaction.. cause it was like hitting the classroom windows x] so we watched and started laughing.. and then miss got us to read.. and she started laughing at the sprinkler.. so then we laughed at her.. and then me and Jaime kept staring at it x] and we laughed.. and miss.G then started smiling.. and couldnt hold it in and laughed x]

Maths we learnt something about circles the like rules or osmetihng
Food.. was.. food.. do i need to say more?

Netball we won 16-8 or something like that..

and thne afterschool we saw Joanna.. theyre going to Hawaii next week .. im like.. cant you take me along? x] but yea x]

and thne i came home and did my assignment.. and here i am... ;o

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