Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Well.. last night i didnt blogg cause i felt sick.. i pretty much ate uncooked chicken.. next time.. im making sure its cooked..

Maths today we found out jaime.j's moving up to cooks at kfc x] vishal apparently works at the help desk in westfeilds. Jaime.j went red laughing cause vishal pretty much said hell prank kfc.. and yea.

Yesterday in food .. was bloody funny with laura and jaime.s x] Laura got marked down and had to resubmit watever it was.. and siddons copied off her and didnt have as much and got good work x]

laura started fuming.. she was joking but it was bloody funny x]

got an asignment for geography.. yay.. x.x and science work for the holidays too.. so wish me luck with that.. hopefully kayla will remind me x]..

Mums doing some corse thing and had homework.. even though it sounds childish i started laughing at her x]

dads still up at zigzag x.x hes up there the whole week.. comes back friday? or like monday or something.. i dont really know.. but yea hes going to be tired as when gets back.. Daylight savings is so weird.. cause im expecting it to be like close to 5.30 and freaking out having to run around and fix up things.. but its only like 4pm. its so.. O.o Just realised my clocks set wrong =]
but yea x]

2 Birthdays Saturday.. Easter sunday..
i remember when i was little i use to go on easter egg hunts all threw the house and half the time wouldnt find them all x] those were the good old easter days.. lmao x]

and i rememeber one year my friend had her birthday on easter so we all slept over her house and then in the morning we had a treasure hunt.. i cant remmeber the prize but i rememeber it was fun x]

so many Birthdays in april x.x. My mums.. Kaylas.. Micks.. Emmas.. Debbies.. Natalies.. Travis.. Janets.. Jacobs.. Joshes.. and im sure theres more.. i just cant remember them.. but yea at least iremember those ones? x]

but yea x]

1 comment:

  1. you forgot li chings birthday

    and its NOT* my birthday
