Thursday, May 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Johannes Brahms

yea some dude that like wrote/composed/idk what its called classical music..

for some reason i feel like im about to fall.. like out of the sky or something o.o

today at lunch was funny x]

QLD has done something to eliam o.o he was like so weird.. but yea he went on about something that siddons hates.. im like OHH YEA i remember that.. and then shes like do you want me to tell a certain someone of the note from last year that you never gave? she dont know i told him but yea x] and im like .. what note? and then laura goes

i think im thinking i think.

laura has so many words she says differently x] but hey we all do x].

Stephanie and Dean came up to us today while janel was at the canteen asking what we thought of kayla.. something about like purity or something? o.o but yea.. i told them what i thought.. which really is.. i have no opinion on it.. what kayla did is between them, i wasnt even there.. i dont know the other half of the story and yea x]

i wouldnt mind getting a super annuation.. we were talking about it at the workshop thing we did today.. i recon it wouldnt be such a bad idea. but yea x]

Carl was bloody funny x].. he was about to say something like to the table.. and all that comes out is like a squeak.. idk how to spell x].. but yea.. you know the like really high pitched voice ? idk how to really describe it.. but me and Brad just started laughing our heads off and Carl joined in x].. the rest of the table were like.. wtf are they laughing at.. but yea it was funny x]

Stefan wants the group back together.. i do too.. its just.. not the same x.x i hate the seperation.. Eliam and Laura agree i think? idk but yea .. its just not the same.. i hope it goes back to normal soon.. it would be good =] but yea .. time will only tell x]

Canberra tomorrow..

have to get up at like 4 or 4.30 latest.. cause i take ages to wake up and then get ready and yea x.x

Picking up Kayla and Jaime on the way.. so that should be good x]

at least there like.. 4 mins from me and then the schools like 9 mins from them.. well probobly leave my house at like 6.10 or sometthing x]
but yea x]

idk what else is going on lately? x]

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