Monday, June 8, 2009

Queens Birthday

That thing is fixed =]
It was kind of like it felt like i was missing something.. but tonight it was all solved =].

Tonight my parents had to go to blacktown.. My old old old friend from lke kindergardens mum rang my mum ands like.. can you come to blacktown hospital and give me 10$? Mums like.. okay .. so they went and yea x] ill tell you the story x]

Pretty much back in kindie i made friends with a girl called Katelyn.. and her mum always use to drop her off at our house and not come back to pick her up for like 3 days at a time and stuff.. and thne in yr 1 they moved.. so that all stopped.. but like i was about 10 we got a call from her.. and she was asking for help.. so we helped her out.. and then she wanted to drop katelyn over here again and were like we cant.. and since then whenever she needs help she rings us.. or to like get out of things.. like tongiht she tried walking out with my parents apparently and yea x]

Katelyns an awsome kid.. but her mums the trouble but hey x] i anit spoken to katelyn for ages o.o or pracilla.. or sasha.. makes you think of how theyre doing now..

Kayla and Dean.. shes met his parents and family x].. sounds like she had fun at the movie marathon at least..

You know when you have things or days or nights or even dreams that you wish had never stopped.. tonight was kinda like that.. i just wish it had gone longer.. but it doesn't matter x] theres always other days =].. i was ganna say tomorrow night..

but.. pink concert x].. so ima be like dead x] but yea x]
it should be good =]

no school tomorrow.. athletics carnival ;D

Sam's right about if it hurts to look back, and your scared to look forward, look beside you and your best friend will be there..

and a video of eliam from goals last year x] that was funny x]

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